| a simpler single interface for all your digital stuff

A private communications network, for those who value their information and privacy. Invented by Reza
As the old saying goes; "Need is mother of invention".
Well, in this case, it was Reza's need for a more streamlined way to manage emails, files, documents, and communication, and so he invented
Cimi was originally born in 1997 and introduced under the domain name of Gotmail went on to garner over 350,000 users, growing at a rate of 700+ new users per day, when Reza finally closed the service to the public in October of 2002.
Although was closed to the public as a free service, Reza continued to innovate ways to make the platform more useful, more powerful, more secure, and more robust, and so cimi version 2 was born.
Cimi is a private network for those who value their time, their personal data and their online privacy. Cimi is the website that puts your digital house in order. Your emails (from all sort of places like Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, and more), your files, documents, and contacts. Your links (bookmarks) and RSS feeds, and your reminders. And cimi does it all securely while protecting your personal data and privacy. To learn more about cimi, click here.